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in category: cute cats

Buddha, owned by puppylove
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Cat
Breed Domestic Mediumhair
Age16 years, 2 months, 30 days
Favorite activityLaying in the sun.
Favorite toyHer mouse that squeaks.
LikesHer belly and face being rubbed. She also loves to curl on your lap.
DislikesShe hates eating out of a bowl she picks it out and eats it off the table.
StoryShe is sweet as pie. She was the runt so she kept her kitten face. As soon as my light flips on at 6 am she has to be on the bed getting attention from me. She then follows me to the bathroom and sits in the sink while I shower. She has the softest cutest "meow" that sounds like she just quietly hisses.
Comments for Buddha
By Petgirl : Ador! After my Kit Kat ran away, I've really been wanting a cat. I hang out on this website so I can see cute faces like this one!
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