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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by Sugar

19 Vote for this pet86
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby cat
Age15 years, 2 months, 12 days
Favorite activityTo play hide and seek and run around.
Favorite toyHer lil mousey toy and string.
LikesShe loves her neck rubbed
DislikesShe hates baths and her tummy rubbed..
StorySugar is a really sweet cat and loves to mess with people I got her on my birthday. And she loves me a lot. Although she does not like me when i give her baths. Sugar is a smart cat and loves dogs for some weird apparent reason. Sugar my baby is growing to be such a beautiful tabby cat. I love her soo much, although she has changed alot. She loves human food more then her cat food which i personally think is weird. Sugar still loves to play hide in seek though, but one weird thing is when she is excited she runs up to you and hugs your leg, and doesn't let go. SUGAR my cat LOVES DOGS Its weird i know. i found out when I babysat my friends dog. My friends dog "hotdog" loved sugar and sugar loved him back. HAHA it was cute

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