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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by gill665

4 Vote for this pet4
Pet Dog
Breed American Bulldog
Age14 years, 8 months, 4 days
Favorite activityLaying with his Mom, running, playing ball, eating bones
Favorite toyMommy and elephant
LikesHe loves to cuddle and give kisses, and getting a bath
StoryDudley is a 10 month old American Bulldog. He has a great personallity. . He is very friendly. He always has to be in my lap when I sit down. He loves to moosh his face into his brother 8 yr old Lab.
3 Vote for this pet2
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age21 years, 11 months, 8 days
Favorite activityLaying around being lazy and going for a ride in the car.
Favorite toyHis pig
LikesHe loves when you scratch his back. He love to cuddle and play fetch. Dozer loves to dress up.
DislikesThunderstorms and fireworks.
StoryDozer is a 8 yr. old Black LabShepard mix. Someone we know was getting rid of puppies and I wanted one. I picked an all black one but when my fiancee went to pick him up that puppy was already taken. So I got Dozer. He is black with white on his chest and one white paw. He is happiest laying on the couch and cuddling.
2 Vote for this pet8
Pet Reptile
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 3 months, 5 days
Favorite activityHanging upside down in his cage
Favorite toy
StoryMaximus is a Blue Spiny Lizard

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