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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by love-lovepet

16 Vote for this pet28
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby cat
Age18 years, 12 days
Favorite activitySleeping!
Favorite toyAnything that swings
LikesFood and having tummy rubs
DislikesWhen people disturb his sleep time
StoryHello My name is Tommy,im quite and old cat but im very fun to play with,i live with my lovely owners.One day i went for a strolling walk when i got hit by a car sadly and now im in heaven. I hope my owners are ok..When winter comes the weather here is so very odd it goes sunny rainy over and over again so my owners say i have to stay inside on cold winter days.i use to hate cuddles but now i personaly LOVE them Im very friendly i guesswhen i met Tommy he was so nice. but he didn't enjoy cuddles now he really likes them he use to be a stray cat but now hes our cat.
7 Vote for this pet10
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby cat
Age17 years, 3 months, 15 days
Favorite activitycatching birds and resting.
Favorite toyAnything.
LikesFood,food and more food.sleeping.
Dislikeswhen someone sits on his chair. Car rides.
Storyhes a nice little kitty. he use to love to play with Tommy and is very playful. he has a collar that jingles all the time when he walks. its new. buckley is so friendly and cuddly he sleeps on the end of our bes nearly every night and loves to eat He could be one of the most playful cats you know. it was so cute how he had a bell on his collar and when we just put it on him he tried to lick it and it jingled. but now he likes the collar.

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