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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by kittylover

3 Vote for this pet4
Pet Cat
Breed Mixed
Age17 years, 4 months, 16 days
Favorite activityplaying with charlie(dog) and snoozing
Favorite toystring and dog teddy
Likesfood sleep cuddles and me! lol
Dislikesbathtime and homebrand catfood
Storyhe is fluffly and balck.he dosnt bring bad luck lol.and he is friendly and handsome!! :)
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Pet Dog
Breed Border Collie
Age26 years, 2 months, 9 days
Favorite activitychewing sticks and chasing after the tennis ball
Favorite toytennis ball!
Likesshe likes sticks,balls and a good bbq dinner!
Dislikescharlie dosnt like nothing she is one brave old girl
Storyshe is kind and dosnt chase after cats,dogs etc.she is friendly and comes up to strangers for a pat.she dosnt jump,lick or ever bite.she sniffs!
3 Vote for this pet3
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age14 years, 8 months, 5 days
Favorite activityjumping and eating carrots from the garden
Favorite toydosnt have a fav. toy
Likesgrass his little bunny hutch and getting scratched on the back of his neck!!
Dislikesbeing locked in his cage :(
Storywe dont put him in his cage anymore... but he used to be a real trouble maker and dig up our lawn!

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