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Pets owned by birdbrain

5 Vote for this pet7
Name:Kiwi andTazzy
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age21 years, 3 months, 24 days
Favorite activityTo sit on My Mommy and give her kisses
Favorite toyMommy's hair and a mirror
LikesThey love to sit on the patio and watch all the birds flying around. They watch the hummingbirds on my Mom's patio.
DislikesThe Eclectus parrot Kiwi does not like skate boards, or carts.
StoryKiwi is a wonderful talker. He says about 70 words and he can hold a conversation and say the right words to what you are saying. Tazzy does all kinds of sounds. He hears anything once and he already can mimic that sound.

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