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in category: cute cats

Boo, owned by dresdencollette
2 Vote for this pet2
Pet Cat
Breed Maine Coon
Age23 years, 5 months, 17 days
Favorite activitysleeping, snuggling, eating, talking,playing with friends
Favorite toy
Dislikeswhen the dog intimidates him. or the rabbit seals attention
Comments for Boo
By Petgirl : Awwwwwww boo is sooooo cuuuute!!!!! I totally voted!!! Please click on my username petgirl to check out my pets too. Thanks!
By Badger : Awwww that is the most cutest little kitten I have ever saw I voted please return the favor by clicking on my username (badger) and then the green thumbs I think this cat deserves this win
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