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in category: cute cats

Rockey, owned by jadefuller
11 Vote for this pet9
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age21 years, 8 months, 8 days
Favorite activityEating paper
Favorite toyHis duck slipper
LikesHe loves to eat Craisins and snuggle at my feet.
DislikesTo ride in the car
StoryRockey is a fun loving 9 year old bunny who is very sweet and interactive with everyone he meets.
Comments for Rockey
By Jennlhard : he is the cutest rabbit ever!!!!
By Msullivan : love his fancy collar!
By Sfcummin : Little stud muffin
By RBBoyce : Rocky really is the cutest pet ever!
By Ianlloydesq : wow..that is one cute rabbit!!
By Sabel : He was born in a Tuxedo Who could be cuter!!!
By Petgirl : So cute!! I have a bunny to please vote for her. Nice job on the votes!
By Badger : wow! how cute! i voted!please vote for chispa my dog and please rocky my lizard
By Petgirl : Who r all those people who voted u ? None of them have pets and it sort of looks like u made fake accounts 2 get more
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