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in category: cute cats

Shimy, owned by MillyMel
3 Vote for this pet4
Pet Reptile
Breed Ignore
Age16 years, 10 days
Favorite activitysleeping
Favorite toyuhh mice
Dislikesour bird
StoryShimy is a snake she can be very friendly but she can also turn on you very quickly but she is harmless
Comments for Shimy
By Olliebaby : awwww i want to hold her (
By Badger : please vote for chispa my dog she would be so greatfull for that vote she would be so greatfull that she would vote for shimy the snake as soon as she saw that she had got a comment from mileymel saying that they voted for her if you would like a vote from badger you would have to vote for chispa on page 1 or 2 and i think that snake is adorable but i can not vote for shimy until you vote for chispa and know i will use the rest of this place saying how adorable this snake is this is the cutest little snake
By Badger : ok fine i voted please vote for chispa my dog on page 1 or 2
By Petgirl : I voted she is so cute wat due she feel like also plz vote me
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