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Older timothis, owned by pipzippeep
3 Vote for this pet13
Name:older timothis
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activity
Favorite toy
Comments for older timothis
By Pipzippeep (owner) : can u belive its the same timothis
By Badger : tiimothis has grown
By Petgirl : Hey Badger!
By Badger : wait is that pippy?
By Badger : adorable
By Petgirl : I'm almost ten i live in akron ohio do you gys have fones
By Badger : hey this is badger no i don't have a phone
By Pipzippeep (owner) : i have a phone an iphone 4
By Pipzippeep (owner) : no it is timothy read the title
By Badger : oh wow he looks just like it
By Petgirl : Pizipeep please vote my new hermit crab Trix, he changed shells already!
By Zipper101 : voted
By Petgirl : Poppers molting now so he might die
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