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in category: cute cats

Twins Milo and Saphire, owned by mandythepandy
5 Vote for this pet8
Name:twins Milo and Saphire
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age18 years, 6 months, 14 days
Favorite activitySinging
Favorite toymirror
Storywe raised these twins since they were 3 weeks old and they recently had eggs but the babbys died.
Comments for twins Milo and Saphire
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Milo and Saphire! I voted for you. Please vote for me (by clicking on my owner's name to see the pets and then voting)!
By Layla22 : very pretty!
By Petgirl : The colors are so bright! Plc vote my five pets if u have a chance. Every vote counts to me since I'm trying to get my dog onpg 1 , my rabbit and fish higher, and my hermit crabs known
By Petgirl : I would vote more than once if I could but I gave u my one vote that I could. Thanks so much if u vote them all
By Petgirl : How did u get such a perfect pic it's honestly beautiful.
By Petgirl : Six petw
By Petgirl : Six pets
By Petgirl : Seven pets
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