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in category: cute cats

Boo, owned by Guest
7 Vote for this pet4
Pet Hamster
Breed Teddy Bear hamster
Age17 years, 1 month, 8 days
Favorite activityLikes to eat.
Favorite toyA clear plastic ball.
LikesBeing stroked.
DislikesOur dog.
StoryBoo is a brown and white Syrian hamster. She is very kind and nice. She likes cuddles and strokes but Boo especially enjoys rolling about in her ball.
Comments for Boo
By Wlmitch13 : cute
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Boo! I left you a vote. Please vote for me (by clicking on my username to see my pets and then voting)!
By Layla22 : sweet!
By Petgirl : So cute!!! I voted so please click on my username to see my pets
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