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in category: cute cats

Fluffster, owned by Yazdanis
7 Vote for this pet5
Pet Hamster
Breed Chinese Hamster
Age14 years, 6 months, 27 days
Favorite activityBiting cage
Favorite toyCage
LikesSunflower seeds. Playing with humans and getting cuddles
DislikesBeing dropped on the floor
StoryVery cute and cuddly. Very very friendly. Never runs away. Loves kids
Comments for Fluffster
By CavalierSpaniel : I voted for Fluffster. Please vote for Chispita and Goldy.
By Banana123 : So cute... voted! And also, I have a hamster named Fluffy! Hehe .
By RaynBOW-bunny : Hi thanks for voting for my bunny. Thats a cute hamster you have.
By Yazdanis (owner) : Fluffy is his real name
By Petgirl : Oh that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please vote for my pets by clicking on my username to see my pets then clicking the green thumbs to vote!!!
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