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in category: cute cats

Polly, owned by Doggirl
8 Vote for this pet68
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age14 years, 10 months, 3 days
Favorite activityChewing things and chasing people
Favorite toyA big toy t Rex
DislikesBeing alone
Storyshe is a healthy little pup and she loves to play in the snow and cold weather
Comments for Polly
By Petgirl : It's me!
By Badger : Thanks for chispa's vote
By Doggirl (owner) : You there?
By Pipzippeep : vote pip,ziggy,toco,and skippy
By Doggirl (owner) : Pipzipeep I already voted for them
By Petgirl : Polly pocket! I just love that photo. P.S. Badger and pizipeep were trying to get a good pic of Sammie.
By Petgirl : Sarah (doggirl) got a hermit crab Trix hes checking out shells I don't have one big enough
By Petgirl : Sarah he just changed shells
By Petgirl : Sarah he just changed shells I got Trix a hermit crab he's in bindis shell now
By Badger : Yea the nail polish is still on and she also has sparkles on her nails
By Badger : can you vote for badger my cat
By Ashjay : voted, thanks for voting for Gracie ) and the sweet comments )
By Zipper101 : hello petgirl said to me vote and so i did please vote for my frog zipper
By Badger : Hi doggirl please vote for my cat I finally got a pic
By Petgirl : Trix probably died don't let them throw him away
By Doggirl (owner) : petgirl i went over aidans house and trix was still alive and he crawled out of his shell and aidain has not even layed an eye on him and aunt brigit is taking such good care of him and i once again told aunt brigit not to throw him away
By Petgirl : How do you know he is live
By Doggirl (owner) : because he didint smell bad and i just know he wasnt dried up or anything
By Doggirl (owner) : oh and i finally put a picture of sammie on there
By Petgirl : I know I luv the pics there awesome
By Petgirl : I think trix died that's what aunt Brigit said
By Doggirl (owner) : ayakapetgirl hello are you on
By Petgirl : I'm on she voted polly
By Petgirl : r u on sarah
By Doggirl (owner) : awsome u on?
By Doggirl (owner) : just taking a look at the new 2 dogs out of 15!
By Petgirl : sorry it took me so long i had to say something to pipzippeep who i call peep
By Petgirl : i voted the dogs too badger also did
By Doggirl (owner) : i got more votes!
By Petgirl : r u still on hurry up after each comment go to sammy then come back to polly to see my comments
By Petgirl : she voted trix but not popper and mayson
By Petgirl : its awesome what page is polly on
By Doggirl (owner) : im still on
By Petgirl : she's on page 3
By Doggirl (owner) : i know
By Petgirl : awesome right bradys on page 2 now
By Doggirl (owner) : cool
By Petgirl : i added a comment on your fish check it out if you can
By Petgirl : sorry have to grab some dinner I'm getting off now
By Petgirl : Sarah u can come to great lakes with us Friday the science center and try to stick your hand in the critter test
By Petgirl : Actually thursday
By Badger : can you vote for badger i just got a pic
By Badger : i got a new pet please vote
By Badger : U on?
By Doggirl (owner) : im on
By Doggirl (owner) : bradies on the first page!
By Badger : Hi well rocky is a lizard yes
By Doggirl (owner) : hi badger
By Petgirl : Hi Sarah how is Polly pocket?
By Petgirl : She's got a prple cast
By Petgirl : I'll be on at 7 excactly please get on also thanks sarah
By Doggirl (owner) : ayaka? are you on?
By Petgirl : R u on sorry if you had to wait I had to do Japanese I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry
By Petgirl : Sarah again I'm sorry so when u c this plz forgive me
By Petgirl : Sarah don't talk to Pipzippeep or zipper101 there just mean
By Animallover101 : voted will you vote for my animals you will see my name on petgirls animals
By Petgirl : Sarah r u on any way I saw kit Kat and cookie I pet kit Kathy and got really close to cookie isn't that awesome
By Petgirl : I saw snow cap but she's super afraid
By Petgirl : Popper died
By Petgirl : Sarah I'm putting on kit kat.
By Badger : happy thanks giving
By Badger : thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Petgirl : Hey Sarah!!!! Can't wait for spring break. At the hotel, I'll bring a flipper that we can fit both our feeet into to train mermaid style. I found an amazing tail, go to 2tails.com
By Doggirl (owner) : im so sorry i forgot to get on im really really sorryC
By Petgirl : I cant call u now cause of the time difference. I got 2 little koy fish.
By Petgirl : I miss u sooooooo much!!!!!
By Petgirl : Look at Wat pipzippoop (ha ha ha) wrote on kit kat.
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