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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by Doggirl

8 Vote for this pet68
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age14 years, 10 months, 3 days
Favorite activityChewing things and chasing people
Favorite toyA big toy t Rex
DislikesBeing alone
Storyshe is a healthy little pup and she loves to play in the snow and cold weather
7 Vote for this pet10
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age21 years, 1 month, 21 days
Favorite activityPlaying with Polly.
Favorite toyA toy teridactal
Likesshe likes rubbing against the Christmas tree
DislikesBeing left alone
StoryShe is a really nice dog. her head was so big when she was little and she had such a small body.
6 Vote for this pet64
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 2 months, 13 days
Favorite activityhe loves to climb in its cage
Favorite toyother hermit crabs
Likesit likes to play with a group of hermitcrabs
Dislikesto be alone
Storysorry guys he died he was molting and they usally die any way im just as sad as petgirl is but she thinks trix died but he didnt

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