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Dragon, owned by Doggirl
6 Vote for this pet64
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 2 months, 13 days
Favorite activityhe loves to climb in its cage
Favorite toyother hermit crabs
Likesit likes to play with a group of hermitcrabs
Dislikesto be alone
Storysorry guys he died he was molting and they usally die any way im just as sad as petgirl is but she thinks trix died but he didnt
Comments for dragon
By Petgirl : Totally voted!
By Petgirl : Awesome wanna chat?
By Petgirl : I
By Petgirl : I h
By Petgirl : I he
By Petgirl : I hea
By Petgirl : I hear
By Petgirl : I heart
By Petgirl : I heart d
By Petgirl : I heart dr
By Petgirl : I heart dra
By Petgirl : I heart drag
By Petgirl : I heart drago
By Petgirl : I heart dragon
By Petgirl : I heart dragon!
By Doggirl (owner) : I
By Doggirl (owner) : I do
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome hes
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome hes probobly
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome hes probobly chaging
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome hes probobly chaging his
By Doggirl (owner) : I do too dragon is awsome hes probobly chaging his shell
By Doggirl (owner) : Uh oh he's probably molting they usually die when they molt I hope it doesn't
By Doggirl (owner) : Uh oh he's probably molting they usually die when they molt I hope it doesn't die
By Petgirl : Let's get a pic of Sammie today I'll come over ps it's my b day I loved madagascar 3 at the theatre last nite didn't you?
By Badger : Voted
By Petgirl : Thanks badger
By Badger : Well I think it's cute so I voted
By Badger : i
By Badger : i l
By Badger : i lo
By Badger : i love
By Badger : oops
By Petgirl : he didn't die but jaws did the cage was too small
By Petgirl : sarah wanna run a 1K tonight? I can't run the 5K.
By Zipper101 : voted please vote for zipper
By Petgirl : Sarah Trix died with Aidan probably don't let them throw trixcaway
By Petgirl : Don't touch Trix but if hermit crabs r girls on bigger crabs u can see bubbles on their back legs but boys don't have them. Is Nemo new or old fish
By Doggirl (owner) : hes pretty old we've been taking care of him for a year now
By Flypet : Ur on
By Petgirl : Flypet is meredith
By Doggirl (owner) : awsome
By Doggirl (owner) : bad news he died he was molting and he died he smelled terible and definitly dead
By Petgirl : Trix died
By Petgirl : He wouldn't have Died if I took care of him
By Doggirl (owner) : no i was talking about dragon dragon died
By Petgirl : Trix died too
By Petgirl : Trix died too I'm sorry about dragon what happened so he was molting and he smelled bad what else poor dragon poor trix
By Petgirl : Trix did die aunt Brigit said she thinks trix is dead
By Petgirl : After u said dragon died I said trix died poor dragon poor trix
By Petgirl : Probably Trix died how are your Russian cousins I heard your dad skyped with them I have a bad surprise and a good surprise when I get back I'm getting back tomorrow can I come over or are you busy try to get Erin to come too if were aloud
By Petgirl : Get her to come Sunday if we're aloud
By Petgirl : I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back can i come over today if I'm aloud?
By Petgirl : yeah were on together
By Doggirl (owner) : hey ayaka plz call me tuesday when you see this mesage
By Doggirl (owner) : or as soon as posable
By Petgirl : I'm guessing I should not call you right cause that was yesterday
By Doggirl (owner) : of course you could call me any time
By Badger : I'm So sorry about what happend I think rocky is dead badger ate him
By Animallover101 : voted please vote for my animals
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