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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Sammie, owned by Doggirl
7 Vote for this pet10
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age21 years, 1 month, 21 days
Favorite activityPlaying with Polly.
Favorite toyA toy teridactal
Likesshe likes rubbing against the Christmas tree
DislikesBeing left alone
StoryShe is a really nice dog. her head was so big when she was little and she had such a small body.
Comments for Sammie
By Petgirl : Voted
By Badger : Thanks for chispa's vote
By Doggirl (owner) : Hey petgirl here
By Petgirl : Hey I heart Sammie lets get a good pic today I'll come over for the pool
By Petgirl : Today is my bday
By Zipper101 : voted please vote for zipper my frog
By Petgirl : How's dragon do you think Trix will make it
By Doggirl (owner) : ayaka sammy is being relly nice to polly now that she broke her paw
By Animallover101 : voted
By Schmeagle : Thanks for voting for Schmeagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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