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in category: cute cats

Zipper, owned by Zipper101
6 Vote for this pet17
Pet Reptile
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 5 months, 24 days
Favorite activity running up and down ramps
Favorite toy peacock feather
Likes pillows
Dislikes cats
Storyfound on a ramp possibly injured so i took him inside my house and took care of him i didn't want to leave him because he was so good to me. i kept him as a pet but he was more than that he was also a friend
Comments for Zipper
By Badger : wow thats cool i voted
By Petgirl : Awesome please vote for my pets I voted click on my username To see my pets
By Badger : thanks! for voting for all my pets
By Petgirl : Please vote all my pets
By Badger : i like frogs
By Ashjay : I didnt mean to comment on your birds list but I did vote anyways... I voted for your frog! Thanks for voting for Gracie! ) I was just looking on the internet for pet contest and I found this
By Pipzippeep : Voted
By Doggirl : Voted
By Petgirl : ur number five thats awesome
By Badger : vote for mr.splahypants
By Petgirl : Are u really badgers dad
By Petgirl : Please vote doggirls pets too
By Petgirl : Please vote doggirls pets too she my cousin I just ran 1.2K my dad is running 5K right now he once did a half marathon
By Petgirl : I once did 5K
By Badger : vote for casey the dog
By Petgirl : Zipper101 your getting really mean likepipzippeep I don't want to friend you dummyhead anymore I don't care what you say
By Petgirl : Ok I'm really sorry I hav a short temper please forgive me
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