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in category: cute cats

Peter, owned by peteiscute08
12 Vote for this pet6
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age16 years, 3 months, 30 days
Favorite activityrunning around and jumping.
Favorite toyhis toy carrot
Likesbeing held, letting out of cage, playing with somebody and being pet.
DislikesDon't know.
StoryPeter is a active bunny.He is 5 mos old.He is a Blue eyed, White bunny.The breed is a Netherland Dwarf Bunny.He is kept in side so he is used to the air conditioning.He is as sweet as can be.
Comments for peter
By Pets2124 : Wow!The cutest bun.EVER!
By Samie : I think this is the cutest bunny i have EVER seen!!
By Cammie123 : vote for my dog Cammie
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Peter! I left you a vote. Please vote for me (by clicking on my username to see my pets and then voting)!
By Badger : super duper cute! can you vote for chispa my dog please she's on page 2
By Petgirl : Cuter than my rabbit! Maybe. Please vote her and my other pets by clicking on my username.
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