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in category: cute cats

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Pip, owned by pipzippeep
4 Vote for this pet11
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activity quaking
Favorite toy the cats and the rabbits
Likes me and timothis
Dislikes my brother and my dog
Story ive had her since she was a week old and she has been loyale to me since, i remember the day i got her we were doing inventory for my dads birthday party and she got lost in the balloons she was peeping her head off till she found me, theen we decided it was safer to do inventory of the capree suns p.s she is only 7 months old by the 25th
Comments for pip
By Badger : voted
By Doggirl : voted too its cute
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Thanks don't tell timothis but she's my favorite mabye someday I'll manage to find a pic of when she was a baby and post it
By Badger : okely dokely i won't tell
By Petgirl : Voted
By Badger : So did the bird that got bit by the dog die yet?
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Yes
By Badger : sorry about that well it's a good thing that you saved it he had a couple more days to live because of you does that make you feel good or what
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Yep kinda well to bad he was so young
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Pip died
By Badger : you should put leo on he will win for shour
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