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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by XxAlyssaxX

10 Vote for this pet7
Pet Hamster
Breed Golden Hamster
Age18 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activitybeing with other hamsters
Favorite toywheel
Likesto be pet on her tummy
Dislikeshmm...m not sure
StoryAnnie died not too long ago. She suffered from a tumer. she was the most photogenic hamster ive ever had and seen, and everyone i knew thought the same thing i have tons of pictures of her like this one.
7 Vote for this pet3
Pet Hamster
Breed Unkown
Age18 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityEating
Favorite toywheel?
Likesfood rofl she was a pig
Dislikesother hamsters
StoryI got zoey online wen someone was ill and could no longer take care of her. She died recently after living a good three years. She is the black and white one in the picture.
10 Vote for this pet5
Name:3 blind mice
Pet Hamster
Breed Golden Hamster
Age15 years, 26 days
Favorite activityThe brown one likes eatng and the twins like their wheels
Favorite toywheels
Likesthey love being held[:
Dislikesmy dog
StoryI got them summer 2009 when they were babies and theyre from the same parent :3
7 Vote for this pet14
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityMaking noise
Favorite toychickens dont play with toys :p
Dislikesi have no idea
Storyhmm well i have Elodie for eggs along with her sidekick, nina
8 Vote for this pet7
Name:Mackie and Rene
Pet Hamster
Breed Teddy Bear hamster
Age16 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activitySleeping and eating
Favorite toy
LikesBeing held[:
DislikesEachother unfortionatlly
StoryI took this pic on Easter[:
7 Vote for this pet5
Pet Hamster
Breed Golden Hamster
Age15 years, 1 month, 26 days
Favorite activityBeing held{:
Favorite toyCheese chews
Likesshe loves ppl
Dislikesmy dog
StoryI got her during the summer along with two others her blood sisters AND SHES EXTREMELY PHOTOGENIC

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