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in category: cute cats

Elodie, owned by XxAlyssaxX
7 Vote for this pet14
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityMaking noise
Favorite toychickens dont play with toys :p
Dislikesi have no idea
Storyhmm well i have Elodie for eggs along with her sidekick, nina
Comments for Elodie
By RaynBOW-bunny : Sexxyy xD
By Taypod : why'd you write that. How would you like it if someone called you that??? And made it into your nikname????
By XxAlyssaxX (owner) : cuz i was little when i wrote on it and it was stupid and i ruined the only pic i have of her before she died
By Louiethepoodle : She's cute, but not sexy.
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Elodie! I voted for you. Please vote for me (by clicking on my owner's name to see the pets and then voting)!
By Love-lovepet : Hello! very cute! i voted plz vote for my cat Tommylol
By Petgirl : no way I'm voting with that written on there, MEANIE
By Badger : I'd vote for it if haven't wrote that! You just lost your self a vote
By Badger : But still it is cute but not sexy
By Petgirl : Love your hamsters though
By Petgirl : I voted just because though
By Petgirl : I voted just because its cute though
By Badger : yea me too
By Petgirl : Well I wish u hadn't done that but if u were littleu. Opulent help it I guess.
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