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Zoey, owned by XxAlyssaxX
7 Vote for this pet3
Pet Hamster
Breed Unkown
Age18 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityEating
Favorite toywheel?
Likesfood rofl she was a pig
Dislikesother hamsters
StoryI got zoey online wen someone was ill and could no longer take care of her. She died recently after living a good three years. She is the black and white one in the picture.
Comments for Zoey
By Taypod : awwww a mini ying yang how sweet
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Zoey! I left you a vote. Please vote for me (by clicking on my username to see my pets and then voting)!
By Badger : i voted please vote for my pets by clicking on my username and then the green thumbs please i really need those votes
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