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in category: cute cats

Abby, owned by taypod
10 Vote for this pet10
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age16 years, 5 months, 30 days
Favorite activityChewing carrots and racing ahainst Caramilk
Favorite toyShe loves everything
LikesHer carrots
DislikesFaking her carrot
StoryShe sweet and cute and I see her hoopping ;round my yard I officaly claimed her my pet!
Comments for Abby
By BeckyBootz : She is so cute i love her xxxx
By Kimmy : cute !!
By Banana123 : Wow she is adorable!You actually found her in your yard?!?!
By Taypod (owner) : yeah i found her in my yard crazy right.Her recent owner probaly dumped her.
By Lisa928 : Abby is soo cute! i love bunnys with floppy ears!
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Abby! I left you a vote. Please vote for me (by clicking on my username to see my pets and then voting)!
By Love-lovepet : Hello i voted for u can. u plz vote for my cat?
By Love-lovepet : Taypod,Thats what happened to Tommy!,but we found him on the street and he nearly got run over but we saved him and took care of him and maded him our cat!
By Petgirl : I have a bunny and some other pets! Please vote for them by clicking on my username to see my pets. I voted!!!!! ) ) )
By Petgirl : I know how hard it would be to get a picture as good as that.
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