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in category: cute cats

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in category: cute cats

Wally, owned by Bella 1998
6 Vote for this pet7
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age14 years, 11 months, 26 days
Favorite activitychasing feet
Favorite toymirror bell
Likessitting on your shoulder
Dislikessitting in the cage
Storyhis name is wally and he likes to listen to music while chasing feet he is about 10 months old and is hand tamed.
Comments for Wally
By Bella 1998 (owner) : he is so cute and beautiful)
By Banana123 : SOO cute!I voted!Please vote for my pets Hunter and Fluffy!
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Wally! I voted for you. Please vote for me (by clicking on my owner's name to see the pets and then voting)!
By Birdbrain : I had a cockatiel that looks just like your baby. Her name was Doodles. I also had a white face pearl names Libby. She died and I still miss her to this day. God Bless.
By Pipzippeep : Cute can you please vote for timothis
By Petgirl : Omg soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuutttte!!!Please vote my pets too by clicking on my username. I totally voted Wally. Even the name tis cute.
By Petgirl : I have a cockatiel too! His name is Monty, can you vote him? Mine is only 3 12 months, but he's hand tamed too!
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