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in category: cute cats

Aldo, owned by Jenplayboy0109
12 Vote for this pet11
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age26 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityRinging his bells and swinging on his rope
Favorite toyBell
Likesseed sticks and any food
Dislikespeople. He has an attitude because he's an Amazon parrot and bites
StoryHe is a yellow naped amazon parrot
Comments for Aldo
By Taypod : Is that how your real bird looks Cool. Oh and i voted for you
By Banana123 : Hes cute I voted!Will you please vote for my hamster fluffy!?!?!
By Kristenqueen87 : so cute! i voted... please don't forget to check out my dogs, sugar and brinkly!!
By Moulinrougefanxo : Awww! you are such a cutie! I voted for you. I hope I recieve a vote in return. o)
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Aldo! I voted for you. Please vote for me (by clicking on my owner's name to see the pets and then voting)! That photo of him is...altered, right? It looks like if the bow and hat were put on after the photo was taken.
By RaynBOW-bunny : Awwww, nice bow tie! i voted for you,please vote for my pets(penny and odi)
By Love-lovepet : Hello Aldo! Are you dressed up for an occasion? He's soo cute love him (voted)
By Olliebaby : AWWwwwwwww, check out my doggie by clicking on my profile!
By Zazamaree : I love the hat and bow tie! I voted for him.Go Aldo! )
By Badger : Cute ! Vote chispa!i voted!!
By Petgirl : Hey! I totally voted and I know how hard that pic was to get. I know you don't want to but could you please vote my pets. Thanks!
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