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Goldy, owned by CavalierSpaniel
12 Vote for this pet11
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age17 years, 3 months, 26 days
Favorite activityTaking dust-baths.
Favorite toyA stuffed animal that used to be
LikesEating, and being with her friends, the other chickens.
DislikesBeing alone.
StoryWe only had a few chickens, and a badger ate most of them. Goldy was the only one who survived. She was lonely and soon became very friendly towards people. She would come running up if you called her. She is dead now too.
Comments for Goldy
By Erock7471 : cute!
By RaynBOW-bunny : Awwww cute,Do you live on a farm or have anymore chickens? thanks for voting for my bunnies,i voted )
By Layla22 : she's a lucky survivor!
By Love-lovepet : Thanks for voting for Tommy , Goldy is a cute little Hen
By Petgirl : Hey! I voted. I was wondering if you could return the favor? Thanks! (I have a bunny, fish, and a dog.)I think Chispita and Goldy are really cute.
By Zazamaree : I'm so sorry about Goldy... She's very pretty. I voted for her.
By Petgirl : I'm so sorry about them dying!
By Badger : sorry for them dying
By Zipper101 : hey sorry about them dying i voted please vote for zipper my frog
By Badger : hello goldy i voted for you please vote for my pets by clicking on my username (badger) and then the green thumbs
By Petgirl : I now have three crabs but one just died
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